Sunday, 22 February 2015

Kauri Swim Programme for Wednesday

Kauri Swim Programme 2015

Swimming Championships Results 2015

Freestyle 50m

9 year old boys
Campbell Buck

9 year old girls
Jessica French

10 year old boys
Fletcher Due
Jack Robinson

10 year old girls
Courtney Hillyer
Xanthe Simpson
Amelia Tainui

11 year old boys
Hathem Schaapveld
Finn Keogan
Rakia Stone

12 year old girls
Jordan Sanders
Rebecca James
Rebecca Keylard

Backstroke 50m

9 year old boys
Campbell Buck

9 year old girls
Madeline Laing

10 year old boys
Jack Robinson

10 year old girls
Courtney Hillyer
Amelia Tainui
Xanthe Simpson

11 year old boys
Victor Song

11 year old girls
Olivia Gobbie
Samantha Dryden

12 year old girls
Jordan Sanders
Rebecca Keylard
Rebecca James

Breaststroke 50m

9 year old girls
Jessica French
Madeline Laing

10 year old girls
Samantha Laing

11 year old boys
Victor Song

11 year old girls
Samara Barltrop
Brooke Blaikie
Isabella Anderson

Swimming Trials programme for today

Just to let you know details of today.

We have the pool from 12:00pm with the first race starting at 12:30pm.

There will be 10 races then relays.

Race 1 : Campbell, Jessica, Fletcher, Jack Robinson
Race 2: Xanthe, Courtney, Anneke, Kate, Amelia
Race 3: Hathem, Finn, Rakai, Samara, Brooke, Monique, Isabella
Race 4: Jordan, Rebecca J, Skyla, Rebecca K
Race 5: Campbell, Madeline, Jack R
Race 6: Courtney, Xanthe, Anneke, kate, Jade, Sammy L, Amelia
Race 7: Victor Olivia G, Sammy D
Race 8: Jordan Rebecca J, Rebecca K
Race 9: Jessica, Maddy L, Sammy L
Race 10: Victor, Samara, Brooke, Olivia G, Sammy D, Isabella

See you there is you are free.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Softball Star - Rebecca James

It is with great pleasure that we begin our SUPER STUDENT series for 2015 with a spotlight on REBECCA JAMES. Not only does she excel in basketball ( Pioneer AllStars team 2014) and softball ( as we can see below), Rebecca is a wonderful role model to others at school and is a strong leader.

Rebecca was asked to fill in for Canterbury Country Junior Girls Tournament at Boys High during the summer holidays as they only had 10 players and were in the finals. There were teams from all over the South Island. 

They played a team from Nelson and won the the final.  Rebecca's softball skills came to the fore front and saved plenty of runs.

Below is a photo of Rebecca receiving an MVP award last Sunday. She
was selected as one of the 'Stand Out' players for the Tournament Team
at the Canterbury Junior Softball tournament.

Rebecca's team placed second.

Way to go, Rebecca. Another example of Oaklands students being successful.

Touch draw for Friday 13.2.2015

touch draw 13.2.2015

Thursday, 5 February 2015

South Island Primary Tournament Basketball trials

Trials are being held for year 5,6,7 and 8 students to be selected for a Pioneer team to compete in the North Canterbury Primary Schools Tournament in Rangoria, 11-13th April.

Trials are being held at Pioneer Stadium on Sunday 15th February from 3:00 - 4:00pm.

Trials are open to all school levels and you need to register online.

A copy of the information sheet is below.

Here is the link to the online registration:

Register Here

Basketball trials

Rams in Schools basketball programme

Beginning this Wednesday from 12:30pm - 1:30pm coaches from the Canterbury Rams basketball team will be at Oaklands helping us with our player and coaching development.

This will take place every Wednesday in term 1 from 12:30 - 1:30pm.

Students participating will need to bring along suitable footwear and perhaps some sport clothing to change into.

There is a limit on numbers - up to 50

Permission forms went home last week we have had 31 replies already.

We are really excited about this opportunity for our basketball students as this will build a strong foundation for term 2 and 3 when we enter teams in the Pioneer Basketball competition.

Please see Grant Forman, Room 9, if you have any questions.